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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We are a society of people who talk too much. We tell people we love them, but do things to contradict that. We tell people to trust us, but act in covert ways that highlight very questionable motives. We tell people they can count on us; but drop the ball when we think they won't find out or when we have an emotional, physical or financial need so strong it compromises our reasoning.

When we're on the receiving end of this, it can feel like betrayal, it hurts, is disappointing and can even create defining moments in your life. I’ve been there, read the book, have the coffee mug in my cabinet and almost...I said ALMOST bought the t-shirt until….

I realized that I shouldn’t take any of those things personally. There is nothing that someone else does that should cause me to compromise my value system or make me "act a fool". It’s great to be able to walk away from a lesson; not so great to walk away from a lesson bitter and regretful. It's great to see the truth in others' actions; not so great to allow their truth to jade you. For some things, it really IS...what it is. When you realize this, you skip past the emotional responses & outbursts more quickly and can begin the process of acceptance with greater objectivity.

What I’m learning about human nature is that it’s exactly that - - - human nature. Mine, yours and everyone’s. It’s fallible, prone to selfishness and greed. It can weaken the strongest people, create uncertainty in the most confident of souls and deceive the slickest of them all. One's human nature can't be fooled or manipulated and one's best efforts to conceal it only amplifies it. Human nature. . . one's OWN human nature is to be understood. That understanding leads to enlightenment in so many areas...namely of one's own self.

No matter the person, I’m learning to trust actions. Words are empty unless there are actions (seen and unseen) that align with them. I’m listening more to what people DON’T say; what they DON’T disclose (unless they're exposed or forced to); what they DON'T choose to do....and finding their truth there. At that point, I can choose to create strife, try to change them or I can simply accept it and adjust accordingly. I find the latter (adjusting their position in my life) to be more in line with what I need to maintain emotional well-being and balance. It keeps my joy and peace in tact so that I can navigate the waters with clarity.

"Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" ~Philippians 4:7

8:16 am          Comments

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Why wait until the battle is over? If you're running, sliding, ducking, rolling and high-stepping in/through your storm anyway...why not turn it into your VICTORY DANCE?! Nothing extra is required - just a change of perspective! Peace is not running from you! Joy is not hiding around a corner somewhere! You have these things ON COMMAND and I DARE you to call them forth! Don't let "a circumstance" confuse you. It's just that...a situation/a condition - it's DESIGNED to be temporary! Translation: "Trouble don't last always". But guess what? God's love for you does.
11:26 pm          Comments

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sometimes "living" requires courage. At times, you have to put on your brave face just to get out of the bed and face yourself, the people/things around you and the choices you've made. Be courageous! Face your giants with full expectancy of the victory that your faith and obedience have sealed for you. KNOW beyond any shadow of doubt that your gifts are making room for you and when your season comes, there is NO thing and NO one who can alter God's plan for you. Trust THAT plan with everything in you and be not moved by what you see and hear. Say it with me, "My life is good even when it doesn't feel like it. I am equipped for battle and I win in every way that matters. I can make it. I can take it. I can bear it...with the Lord on my side.". Now, get up and get going! There's a beautiful day waiting to be ridiculously good to you.
5:24 pm          Comments

Sunday, April 1, 2012

There's something about spreading joy that satisfies the soul and fills you from within. We receive the gift of a new life every second. Time wasted on settling insignificant scores, having to have the last word, telling people off and getting worked up over things and people we can't control robs us of the sweetness found in that new life. Prioritize joy, harmony and peace....even if you have to battle your flesh to do it. You'll be SOOOOO glad you did!
11:56 pm          Comments

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

If you want to positively impact the world, you don't need to travel to every corner of it. The real work of making an outwardly difference can be found in that which happens inwardly. While it's possible to slice a tomato with a dull knife, you'll only make a mess of things. Sharpen your tools (emotional well-being, belief in positive outcomes, genuine happiness for others' prosperity, unwavering faith amidst adversity, etc.) before you forge in the name of "making a difference". You can't MAKE a difference without BEING the difference. Selah.
8:19 am          Comments

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The "Jedi mind trick" doesn't work in real life. If you truly want to resolve the issues you have with others (including the ones you’ve initiated), you may want to consider a direct approach. Withdrawing from someone without telling them why; then getting more upset when they don't chase after you just doesn't make good sense, dear hearts. The time you take to share your hurt with anyone who will listen can be minimized by investing that time with the individual(s) who need to hear how you’re feeling. Give it --and them -- a chance. Being hurt does not condemn you to a life of distress and discord. Ask God to intercede on your behalf. Trust His Spirit to go before you and set an atmosphere of peace and resolution. Above all else, BELIEVE that you were created to live a life free of strife, animosity, debilitating envy, depression, tension, feelings of abandonment/neglect, etc. Search your heart…then ask God to enter and make you whole. Guess what? He will…
12:56 am          Comments

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Who are you when no one is looking? What are your views when there is no audience? How do you handle stress when resolution doesn't come quickly? How accepting are you of other's choices when those choices expose disregard for you? Know who you are, what makes you tick and where your limits are. Some regrets are totally avoidable. Don't relinquish your self-control b/c you can't control self
12:39 am          Comments

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Forgiveness is a very beautiful thing. Just the simple act of freeing someone from a bondage that the enemy used to get to you through them is nothing but God. Be thankful for the opportunity to see the truth in someone's heart when they humble their spirit before you---relying on the SAME God YOU pray to to make them whole. No need to recall a thing..just forgive.
11:06 pm          Comments

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Don't just be good to the people who are good to you. Be good to EVERYONE...the people who aren't good to you NEED to see the goodness in you DEMONSTRATED. If they don't "come around", YOU'VE LOST NOTHING!! As you rid yourself of strife & discord, joy multiplies, peace resurfaces and love manifests in unimaginable ways! It's your life - you're worth EVERY effort you put forth to keep it healthy.
12:18 am          Comments

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sometimes, ALL you have to give... is yourself. Extend the best you have because the BEST resides within you. Don't sell yourself cheap, your testimony is valuable and worth EVERY inch of the journey you walked, crawled or limped to possess it. When money, resources or friends are scarce, the Holy Spirit that dwells within you is plentious and springs forth to recover and restore!
6:45 pm          Comments

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